Monday, March 5, 2012

Things I Ate (and Drank) This Weekend

So this weekend was one of my favorite kinds of weekends. We did nothing. We did a lot actually, but really it all amounted to eating things and cleaning up and then making more things to eat. Monday through Friday JECIV and I are eating a pretty strict diet, so on the weekends we're allowed to be as carby, sugary, and dairy-filled as we want. We weren't kidding around. There was a Linguine in Poblano Cream Sauce with Shrimp, some amazing Tostadas, the special scrambled eggs I make for JECIV and these....

Egg and Cheese via A Cup of Jo

This is really a Deb idea not a Jo idea. Do you know Deb? You should. She makes my life better. She makes me work out more. She makes me make delicious things. You'd like her.

Anyway Deb guest posted about her Egg and Cheese technique on A Cup of Jo and I proceeded to order my mother to purchase the ingredients and make everyone try one. They're a hit, but the pocket of melted cheese does reach the temperature of the surface of the sun. Be warned.

Grapefruit & Jalapeno Margaritas via Fashionably Bombed

You guys, I was VERY nervous about these. I made JECIV try his first. We infused some tequila with jalapeno and were looking for a way to use it up. After stalking the internet I found these and I was so happy with them I can't stress it enough. They are phenomenal. Not too spicy at all and a perfect pairing with our Tostadas.

Fried Egg Sandwiches with Bacon and Blue Cheese via Smitten Kitchen

My love and admiration for Deb knows no bounds. JECIV had two of these babies for lunch. He's a tall man that sometimes needs two sandwiches. Don't judge, just go buy rolls and have an egg sandwich yourself, then you'll get on board.

Puffed Pancake via Rockstar Diaries

Rockstar Diaries is not usually where I go for recipes, but the image of the Puffed Pancake was in my head, so I made one yesterday for brunch. It could not have been simpler and was very well received by the tall man who makes messes in my apartment.

I'm glad we did nothing and ate everything. It was so worth it.
